How to Increase AdSense Click Through Rate - CTR

Click Through Rate - CTR is the percentage of clicks that ads on your site generate. AdSense users must have noticed that in spite of good traffic, the earning is low. This is due to the fact that the ads shown on your blog is a Cost Per Click CPC ad and generates very few clicks.

Google AdSense
Google AdSense
The ideal Click Through Rate CTR for any AdSense user is 2-5%. Anything between 0-2% is considered as low CTR. One thing to be kept in mind is that CTR above 10% is also non ideal since its highly unusual if you are getting such CTR.

▌ Why is CTR getting low.

♦ The common reason for low AdSense CTR is banner blindness. People have got used to AdSense ads and they simply ignore the part of the blog that serves ads.

♦ Other reason includes putting your AdSense ads on places where your readers don't go to. e.g. If you put your AdSense ads in your footer section, high chances are that people will read your article and leave the blog without going to the footer section.

♦ One more reason can be the loyal readers. This is a controversial topic but I persnally feel that if someone visits your blog regularly, then the chances of your ads generating clicks is very low. He knows the structure and design of your blog. He knows where are ads, and most probably he will skip those portions of your blog that is not useful to him. 

▌ Increase AdSense Click Through Rate - CTR.

♦ Ad position.

Ad position is the most important factor that will decide your click through rate. People are used to AdSense ads and you have to implement them in such a manner that they look as a part of your text. You yourself may have noticed that most of the blogs contains an AdSense ad on the sidebar of rectangular size. Now, if you know its an ad, why will you click it.

So, the important thing is you put your ads in such a manner that it looks as a part of your blog. You can put ads in between your articles or at the end of the text.

♦ Ad Sizes.

Some ads sizes have become too common. People have noticed an increase in AdSense CTR with unusual Ad sizes. The vertical ads tends to generate more click through rate.

Note: However, you should not switch to unusual ads completely. The common sized ads are going to have the most competition and a high Cost per Click.

♦ Ad type.

The text ads tends to generate more clicks than the flash or media ads. Implementing text ads between your text will ensure an Increase in Click through rate of your AdSense ads.

♦ Change ads position.

The possibility is that your readers have become used to the ads on your blog. One good way of increasing click through rate is to keep changing you ads position frequently.

      These are my personal experience with AdSense (although I'm no more an AdSense publisher since, they banned me). Yours may differ with these. So, the best thing is to keep on discovering the best practice.

AdSense will need some research and trials before you will find the best places and types of ads to increase AdSense click through rate - CTR.



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