Top Paying CPM Network - Tribal Fusion Site Requirements

Tribal Fusion is the best CPM network when it comes to rate. Those who are using it know the fact that it has no match in CPM advertising. However, they have a strict site requirements for approval. They certainly are not for small or medium publishers. You need to have a lot of traffic before they approve you and once you are approved, you are gonna make huge money from them.

Tribal Fusion ad network
Tribal Fusion- Best CPM network.

The best part with CPM network is that you don't have to wait for clicks or sales. The number of ad views matters only.

CPM is Cost per thousand impressions. And Tribal Fusion has the best rate in the market.

Here is the minimum site requirements for Tribal Fusion CPM network.

Site Requirements for Publishers.

A minimum of 500,000 unique visitors.

Highly targeted and relevant and regularly updated content.

♦  A top level domain.

A well designed and professional looking website.

The minimum requirement criteria meeting is not a guarantee to your approval. They will evaluate your website for final approval. However, If you meet the traffic criteria of 5 lakh unique visitors, that simply will indicate that you have a huge audience base and highly relevant and professional website and your approval is almost certain.

A privacy policy of your blog.

▌Sites that are not accepted are 

♦ Adult content website with pornographic material.

♦ Promotion of alcohol, tobacco or any such substances.

♦ Promotion of illegal activities such as copyright infringements, spam etc.

♦ Violence or hate spreading websites.

♦ Have an excessive amount of advertising.

     As you can make out, the approval in Tribal Fusion CPM network is really a tough since the minimum traffic requirement is too high. But once you reach to that level, you are going to make a lot of money from them since they have the best CPM rates in the market. Tribal fusion is surely for bigger Publishers.

All the best.



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