Best CPM Ad Networks for high Traffic sites.

CPM ad networks rely on impressions or ad views rather than clicks or sales. You are always paid whenever the ads are delivered to a visitor, although the rates may differ depending upon the quality of traffic and from where it comes.

The biggest advantage with CPM Ad Networks is that you are paid by impressions. You do not have to wait for a click or any affiliate sales you make. Whenever, someone visits your blog you generate an impression.

There is a negative side too. The CPM ads pays less than Pay per click ads. Chances are that what you could have made in 4clicks in a PPC program, you will have to at least wait for 1000 impressions to generate that much amount. So, In order to generate some revenue you must be getting a good amount of traffic. A few hundred visits/day will earn you only some cents per day.

Here are the Best CPM Ad Networks to work with in 2013.

1.Tribal Fusion.

They are the highest paying CPM ad networks. However to enter their advertising program you will need tons of traffic and a well-established blog/site.

Tribal Fusion site requirements:

♦ A minimum of 500,000 unique users per month.

♦ Highly targeted, unique and relevant contents.

♦ Top level domain for your blog.

♦ A professional and good site-design.

If you meet the traffic requirements, you will get through it.

You can apply for Tribal Fusion here.

2. CPXInteractive.

CPX Interactive is also a trusted name in CPM advertisements and its site requirements too is much lower than Tribal Fusion.

♦ Minimum Traffic is required to be more than 30,0000 unique visitors per month.

♦ You can read all of its terms and conditions for the joining the program here.

3. Casale Media

Requirements are

♦ Minimum of 50,000 impressions per month.

♦ English or French language only.

♦ Not linked to or contain porn, adult, hacking etc contents.

4. is an AOL's CPM platform that only takes very established blogs/sites only.

Site requirements include

♦ 2million page views / month.

5. Adtegrity.


♦ 1 million impressions/month.

♦ Original and genuine contents.

♦ They accept only-profession build websites.

♦ You can read more about Adtegrity here, and also apply.

These 5 CPM Ad networks only accept a very high traffic websites with professionally build and are only worth applying if you have impressions in thousands/ day.

If you have a great blog/site with professional looks and you are eager to earn some more money with these CPM networks, go on. Make some money.



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  1. I think that an excellent alternative to google adsense is adtomatik, They give me
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  2. Nice information about CPM ad network . But I must Recommended Advizual is the best cpm ad network.
