Best CPM Ad Network for small Publishers.

Frankly speaking, CPM advertising is not for you if you are small publisher. You need to have a lots of traffic in order to earn some money from them. Still, if you are banned from AdSense, didn't get approved, or other Pay-per-Click program didn't work for you, you may try these Best CPM Ad Networks for small bloggers. By Ad networks for small publishers, I only mean that its easier to get into these programs with low traffic.

If you have Good traffic, you may go to the article CPM ad networks for high traffic websites.

These Ad networks works equally well if you have a good amount of traffic.

1. Value Click Media. 

♦ Generate more than 3000 pageview/month.

♦ Only english content is allowed.

♦ Adult, porn, sexual assault, drug related, hate speech, hacking, cracking etc. contents are not allowed.

♦ Forums are not accepted.

Although, the page views requirement is low, still they are a bit choosy in approving blogs to maintain their credibility and to provide their advertisers, a better environment. You must have a "privacy policy" page in order to gain approval.

You can read a detail site specification here.  It contains even the privacy policy requirements which you must give importance. 

2. Clicksor

Clicksor is a contextual advertising service that display advertisements according to your website content.

Site requirements:

♦ Clicksor do not requires any particular minimum traffic requirements. Your site/blog must not be incomplete or under construction.

♦ Other requirements are the restrictions on type of contents just like any other program.

You can read detailed requirements list for clicksor here.

3. Casale Media

Casale Media has a bit high standards but still they are suited for small publishers. The minimum requirements for a blog to be approved from Casale Media is

♦ 50,000 unique visitors per month. But this can be calculated as 1600 visitors a day. If you are getting that much traffic you still is a small publisher. :P

♦ Site's language must be English or French.

♦ No adult, pornographic or hacking sites are allowed.

For making money from any CPM network, you really have to work hard on your traffic. The benefit of earning irrespective of clicks or sales comes on the costs of traffic. The more traffic you have, the more money you will make.



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  1. Clicksor is the worst to use on any blog with good or bad traffic.

    Any ways thanks for the Tips Good work :)

    1. Yes bro. Clicksor has so low cpm and the ads are so non-relevant. But it is in the list since it allows small publishers to get IN. Most of the CPM networks are for bigger publishers and i don't have much option to place in this list.

  2. Yellow Ad Network is one of the biggest buyers of interactive inventory on the internet, or any interactive advertising format.
