Make money online with Dailymotion video sharing.

Do you want to earn money from sharing videos without even creating them? Dailymotion gives a chance to earn money through sharing videos online on your blogs and on your social profiles like Twitter and Facebook. The more number of people watch video shared by you, the more you will earn. You do not have to create a viral video, rather you just have to share a video that has already been viral.

With YouTube, the first problem is that you yourself has to create the videos and bring traffic to it. It is really difficult to create a video that receives a hell lot of views and earn you some money. With Dailymotion you have to pick up a video from their collection and share it on your blog / Facebook / Twitter and earn money.

Another problem with YouTube is that you need a valid AdSense account to monetize your videos. You have to work very hard for an approval and there always remain a chance of being banned due to some fraud clicks or illegal activity which violates there terms and services.

So, how can you make money with Dailymotion by sharing videos? 

Earn money sharing videos

Sign up for a Dailymotion publisher account.

During sign-up, they will ask for your blog's address. Now, this is the only precondition they have. You must have a blog running.

You will be given a syndication key. Each time you will embed any daily motion video on your blog or share any video on your Facebook or Twitter account with your syndication key included, you will earn. 

When you will browse videos and select the appropriate video that you want to share or embed in your blog:

The Embed code and the social sharing code includes your syndication key. Now share it and earn revenue when someone watches it.

How it works.

How can you earn money by sharing videos? When you share any video, an ad is displayed in-between the video or before the video starts. You will earn a percent share of these ads. The syndication key is necessary since it is responsible for tracking the videos and ads and so, revenue.

Have you ever thought you can earn money by sharing videos? Here's an option. Go try it and share your experience in the comments. 


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