How to Increase Your AdSense Cost Per Click CPC

CPC is Cost Per Click. It is the amount an advertiser is paying for each Clicks on the ads that are hosted/shown on your blog. If you are a blogger depending solely on AdSense for your income, then perhaps you need to work on your Ads optimization. AdSense has a system where different advertisers compete for the ad space on your blog and the highest bidders ads is shown on your blog. This all thing is managed by AdSense algorithms.

Google Adsense
AdSense don't give you any option of controlling the CPC and do not have any such feature like choosing a minimum CPC barrier for the ads that are displayed on your blog. However, by checking certain things and optimizing your ads, you may increase your Cost Per Click and earn some more revenue from them.

▌ How to increase your AdSense Cost Per Click.

Enable both Text and Image feature for your ads.
When you create an ad unit, they ask you if its going to be text ad, image ad, or both. Selecting "Image and Text ads" will ensure that advertisers from both the pool will compete and the final result will be a greater CPC. Although Image ads are little lower in paying you per click, but sometimes they will outperform the text ads. So enable both text and image rich ads.

♦ Niche selection. 
Some niche has higher AdSense Cost Per Click than others. Niche such as "hosting", "insurance", "bank loans" can have much greater Cost per Click than any technology or entertainment niche.

♦ Country specific cost. 
If your ads are clicked from U.S., you will earn much more than clicks generated from countries like India, Pakistan and other developing countries. So, target these high paying countries. Write in English rather than your regional or country specific language. Market your blog to the readers of these countries. You can achieve this through different social media, by building an email list from people around the world and informing about there articles etc. The main aim should be drive traffic from these countries. You can find which country have greater Cost Per Click from your AdSense dashboard and reports.

♦ Choose your first ad unit intelligently. 
If you have implemented more than one ad unit in your page, the first ad unit that comes in your html code will receive the highest paying ad. So, optimizing the ad unit along with its placement will play a major role in improving your Cost per Click.

♦ Small filter list. 
It is possible that you don't want to display some of the ads on your blog and you have filtered these ads, but try your best to keep this list very small. You don't want only half of the advertisers bidding for your blog by filtering the other half.

♦ Number of ad units. 
It is a general believe that 3 ad units means more chances of clicks on the ads and hence more earning. However, many of the bloggers have claimed than one single ad unit will get you more CPC than using several ad units.

      This is a small to-do list for increasing AdSense Cost per Click. However, much of your CPC will depend upon factors like your niche, your sites status and readability, your sites age and contents and the traffic your blog is getting from.



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