Make money from Chitika - on CPM basis.
The rich media ads served from Chitika on your blog pays on impression basis. By default, Chitika shows a combination of the normal ads + rich media ads depending upon the availability and according to their some sort of algorithm. The good part is you can limit the ads displayed on your blog to only "rich media ads" show that each time an ad is shown, you are paid.
Enable Rich Media Ads
Navigate to Ads > Settings.
You will find that "Rich Media Ads" are by default preferred as Mixed. Change it to Always and save.
From now onwards, only CPM ads will be displayed on your blog.
Important points regarding Rich Media Text.
1. The fill rate may not be 100%. You might see some of your impressions counting out without any ads. However, gradually you will see a better fill rate.
2. Chitika will ask you to send a minimum of thousand raw impressions before they can server the Rich Media Ads on your blog. So you won't earn for the first thousand impressions.
3. Switching to only Rich Media Ads is not advisable if you have low traffic. Making money from CPM ads require a good amount of traffic.
4. If your blog is engaging and adverts receives good click through rate, then perhaps you should not switch.
Final Words: Do you use any money making CPM advertising networks? With Chitika, the rates are somewhat between $ 0.10 - 0. 18 per thousand impressions. How much your advertising network paying to you.
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