Biggest Content Marketing Challenges You Will Face.

Content marketing is the art of creating and marketing any form of content in order to gain customers. Content can be either in form of Video, text format, Infographics, or ebooks etc. However, while creating and marketing contents, you will face many problems and in this very article I am going to discuss the major problems which you may face while producing engaging contents and marketing it to the right audience.

Content Marketing Challenges.

Content Marketing challenges.
Content Marketing challenges.

Producing quality contents.
The biggest problem you will face is the production of quality content for your readers. Everything is already written on Google and you will find that re-producing content such that your readers find it more engaging and beneficial than already produced content is a tough job. You will run out of contents and sometimes you will end up writing something which do not prove any relevance to the idea with which you started writing.

Writing regularly.
You will find pro bloggers suggesting you to write about the niche which interests you most. The main reason is that you will not run out of contents and you can produce contents regularly. It is very much important to give your readers something new every time he/she visits your blog. Its equally important to produce quality content and on daily basis. Even the search engines gives a higher ranking to the blogs which are updated regularly.

Producing unique content.
Producing unique content is as important as the above two factors. Rewriting the same old stuffs that has been written a thousand times is not going to help. Why should anyone read you when they can find the same stuff on blogs that have written it 4 years ago? You have to go unique by providing Infographics, stats and charts. You may share real time experience and you may have to do market research before creating unique content.

Getting targeted traffic.
If marketing is not done keeping in mind the niche of your blog, you will end up targeting wrong audience and it is not going to help much. Not only you have to write unique and quality contents, you have to reach to the right readers. Sharing an article in a Facebook book lover group may get you traffic for a "seo" post, but it surely is not going to increase the number of loyal readers.

Social Media Influence.
Peoples who are in pro-blogger lists have huge followings on social media like Facebook, Google+, Linkedin and Twitter. You have to increase your social media influence and have to connect to people with your niche and interests. It may take most of your time setting up accounts on these social media and finding the right people to connect with. But once done, they are going to be valuable to you. You cannot ignore the number of active peoples on these social media and the amount of engagements they generate. Although its true that social media traffic is momentarily and you need to be active always to drive potential readers to your blog, you can increase your readership and the chance of going viral is increased.

Build yourself as a brand.
People follow brands. If you are a name in your niche, people will remember your blog and will always visit you for new contents. They won't need a link on any social media to visit you. You can build yourself as a brand by working on all the four above factors. Producing high quality and unique contents and sharing it to right audience is the key. Improving your social media influence and connecting with people on different media will improve your branding.

My opinion. As I said, Content marketing challenges is not limited to producing quality and unique content but reaching to right audience is necessary too. It can only be achieved by engaging on social media and spending a portion of your marketing strategic time on them. So, go on, write some unique and quality contents, connect with the right audience on social media and overcome these content marketing challenges.

I missed something? Please correct me if I am wrong or I missed something in the comment section. 


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  1. Thanks for the information provided here friend!

  2. Really great information you shared, very helpful information. Thanks for sharing, keep updating.
