I was going through some article on some blog and was genuinely interested in posting comments. The blog was using premium CommentLuv plugin and so I filled in the details - name, email address and my website id.
I wrote a comment and while clicking on the "Not spammer" checkbox, I noticed an error was displayed instead of my latest posts.
CommentLuv discovers your blogs feed and link back your latest article in comments. And the recent posts was missing. My feed is not working in CommentLuv blog.
I ignored it for the day. I guessed there won't be any problem on my side. But the problem persisted the next day too.
The first thing was "if its gonna continue like this, it will hamper my link building strategies" and traffic to my blog will also deteriorate since I get a good traffic from Commenting on other blogs since my feeds is not working in CommentLuv blogs.
The biggest concern was that the feed for mbblogging.blogspot.com was working and the problem was only with mbblogging.com.
I went to blogger dashboard > template > edit html, and searched for the feed that was being used in the template for my blog and it was http://www.mbblogging.com/feeds/posts/default. So, there was no problem with it.
So, finally I decided to change the theme. Searched for another theme. Wasted some time in changing and modifying it according to my preferences and my feeds started working fine on CommentLuv blog.
But, the problem is still I don't know what was the reason. I was using metrominimalist theme from http://btemplates.com/2013/blogger-template-metrominimalist/.
I loved that theme and I am using that theme for some other blogs too. It would be great if you find whats the problem with the theme.
I wrote a comment and while clicking on the "Not spammer" checkbox, I noticed an error was displayed instead of my latest posts.
CommentLuv discovers your blogs feed and link back your latest article in comments. And the recent posts was missing. My feed is not working in CommentLuv blog.
I ignored it for the day. I guessed there won't be any problem on my side. But the problem persisted the next day too.
The first thing was "if its gonna continue like this, it will hamper my link building strategies" and traffic to my blog will also deteriorate since I get a good traffic from Commenting on other blogs since my feeds is not working in CommentLuv blogs.
Biggest concern.
The biggest concern was that the feed for mbblogging.blogspot.com was working and the problem was only with mbblogging.com.
I went to blogger dashboard > template > edit html, and searched for the feed that was being used in the template for my blog and it was http://www.mbblogging.com/feeds/posts/default. So, there was no problem with it.
So, finally I decided to change the theme. Searched for another theme. Wasted some time in changing and modifying it according to my preferences and my feeds started working fine on CommentLuv blog.
But, the problem is still I don't know what was the reason. I was using metrominimalist theme from http://btemplates.com/2013/blogger-template-metrominimalist/.
I loved that theme and I am using that theme for some other blogs too. It would be great if you find whats the problem with the theme.
Sorry buddy.. I hoped for a solution. You should probably have read the article first.