I have been using Google Friends Connect Widget on my blog from a long time. However, I got a mail today from Blogger asking me to replace it with Google Plus Follower widget. The mail looked like this.
Increasing your Google+ follower. |
You have the option of replacing the Google Friend Connect widget with either Google+ follower widget or you may alternatively put a subscribe to email list option.
▌ Add Google Plus Followers Widget to your blog.
♦ Go to Blogger Dashboard > Layout.
♦ Add a gadget and in the "basic" list of gadgets, you will find Google+ Followers gadget.
♦ Click on "Add a gadget".
♦ Reposition your Google Plus Followers widget according to your site design.
♦ After implementing, the widget will look something like this.
▌ Benefits of Google+ followers widget.
♦ People visiting your blogs will be able to follow you with a single click without even the need of knowing your Google Plus profile.
♦ A large number of followers means a large number of reach :)
Google has been trying to mix the Blogging and Google+ thing, like Showing your follower counts in search results. This new mail from Google makes me think that Google+ will someday will play a major role in Search Engine Optimization.
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