How to set up Google Analytics to your blog.

Google Analytics is a a free service that gives you detailed statistics about your blog. It checks your sales and conversions, number of visitors, traffic sources, and your social media and search engine campaigns. Bloggers use Analytics to watch out their traffic so that they can work in the direction of improving it.

Setting up Google Analytics to your blog.
Setting Google Analytics for your blog.

This post gives you an explanation of how to set up Google Analytics account for your blog.

▌ How to set up Analytics. 

♦ Go to Google Analytics website. Sign in with your gmail account. If you don't have one, create a new account. 

♦ Go to Admin panel and create a new account.

Select Admin.

Choose +New Account.

♦ Fill out the details under "setting up your web property".  Select the website category that best suits your blog. Finally click on the "Get Tracking ID". It will ask you to Agree to terms and conditions.

♦ Now you will be given a tracking ID and tracking code. Analytics will ask you to paste this tracking code in each of your web page that you wanna track. Copy this tracking code.
You tracking code will look something like this.

▌ For Blogger user.

Back-up. It is highly recommended that you back up your blog before trying anything in the edit html section. 

♦ Go to your Blogger Dashboard > Templates > Edit HTML.

♦ Search <head> section by pressing ctrl + f and searching for "<head>". Just below the head tag, paste the complete tracking code from Analytics.

♦ Preview the template to see if everything is working fine. Now save your template and exit.

♦ Wait for some hours before Google Analytics detects the tracking codes and start showing reports for your blogs.

Wordpress-users have to do the same of pasting the tracking code into the <head> tag of their html code. The steps may be a little bit different and you may figure it out on your own.

This is just a tutorial of setting up Google Analytics for your blog. Its not tough to understand the working of Analytics. Get familiar with it.




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