How to optimize your Google+ account for Traffic.

How to get traffic is the second thing after starting a blog. It takes time for a start up blogger to learn the basics of Search Engine Optimization and moreover, SEO takes time to show its results. So, the only option left for a new blog to reach its audience is Social Media. Facebook, Google+, Twitter or LinkedIn can drive huge traffic to your blog without much effort.

Google+ for traffic
Google+ for traffic.
In this post, I am gonna discuss ways to improve your blog using Google+ and driving more traffic to your blog from it.

▌ Set up an account and Connect to people.

If you don't have a Google account create one. Chances are that you have a Gmail id and you already have an account and you just need to set it up. So I am assuming you have signed up. Now, fill up your details and put up your profile pic. The next thing is connecting to the people. Search people of your niche, follow them, join communities and pages related to what you write about and say 'hi' to them.

♦ Add a +1 button and "Follow us" badge to your blog. You can do that by going to Dashboard > Layout > Add a gadget.

▌ Share your posts.

Join communities related to your niche and post your articles link there. Some communities allows blog promotion and you can benefit from them. While sharing your post, you should keep in mind some of these points:

♦ Stick to your niche. No one read your blog about 'body building' in a community with 'humor' niche.

♦ Give a short description of the post before submitting.

♦ Using hashtags in the description will allow the post to be discoverable in search.

♦ Tag people in your link posting on Google Plus. This will attract their attention.

♦ Google+ can be used efficiently in Link building practices

♦ Lastly, Do not spam in communities.

▌ Be active in Hangouts. 

Google Hangout is the best place for discussion that too, face to face. You may invite others for hangouts or if you get any invitation, do not feel hesitated in accepting it. Connecting with other bloggers face to face and learning from the discussion will help you in blogging.

Bloggers with much experience and expertise in their niche, often invites people for hangout. Do not miss a chance to accept the invitation.

▌ Turn on Goole+ comments for you blog.(If your platform is blogger).

Now, Blogger platform users c
an turn on their Google Plus comments on their blogs itself. It will help in having a better discussion and more traffic. Here is how you can turn on Google+ comments to your blog.

♦ Go to Dashboard > Google+ and you will find an option to Use Google+ comments on your blog.

You can always set up Google Analytics for your blog to measure your Google+ effort and traffic from the channel.

Google+ has recently over took Twitter as the second largest active social media. You cannot afford to ignore it for marketing your blog. And the most important thing is It is a Google product and Google loves all its products. Optimizing your Google+ account for marketing will eventually lead to a better SEO of your blog. Although this fact has not been claimed but most expert bloggers do emphasize on the fact that Google+ plays an important part in your Search engine results. Do not miss it.



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  1. Nice Article i get most of the traffic from Google+.

    Thanks for sharing

    Benny Mathur

    1. Thanks Benny for the appreciation. I too get much of the traffic from Google+.

  2. another thing you may wanna help us out research is using widgets like Disqus to incorporate Facebook and other social media comments into your blog. am still working on it as Disqus is not showing up on my page sadly. But it is a great way to encourage comments

    1. +jasveena I will be doing a post on how to implement disqus on bloggers platform. I am sorry as I don't have any articles at present.

  3. Hi. I will take your tip # 4 since I have various blogs on blogger. Great help. Thank You. It is a great advantage if you are active on social media sites especially G+. Social has now a weight when it comes to ranking higher on Search Engines.

    Belinda Summers

    1. Hi Belinda. Social media does has a weight when it comes to search engine rankings. And Google+ provides a better class on engagement and readers than Facebook.
